DIY Christmas Mantel

December is here, and there’s no better way to infuse your home with holiday cheer than by creating a lush, fragrant mantelpiece using seasonal evergreen branches. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use a handful of greens to create a unique focal point in your home in just a few minutes.


  1. A Mix of Evergreen Boughs

    1. Pine

    2. Fir

    3. Cedar

    4. Holly

    5. Juniper

  2. Decorative Accents

    1. Pinecones

    2. Dried Citrus

    3. Ornaments

    4. Ribbon

  3. Tools

    1. Chicken Wire

    2. Floral Snips


Gather your Greens

We like to use a mix of winter foliages to add depth to our designs. Today, we’re using pine, fir, cedar and holly, but you could use any mix of greens.

Create a Chicken Wire Base

Roll your piece of chicken wire into a loose, oblong ball shape to add some structure to your display. We recommend you place a small towel under the chicken wire to protect the mantle’s surface. And be careful with the edges of the wire, they can be sharp!

Design your Mantel

You can begin by adding some of the larger/thicker branch pieces into the chicken wire structure. Trim branches down so you can spread the greens out a bit more. Layer in the rest of the greens, standing things up in the chicken wire and draping over the edge of the mantle just a bit to give that lush, growing vibe. Add the more decorative stems (holly, statice flower, etc) in at the end as accents against all the evergreen pieces.

Add Decorative Elements

Once your greens are set, you can add decorative elements like pine cones, dried citrus, ornaments, lights, bells or ribbons.

Order your own Christmas Mantel kit from Wildly:


How to make a fresh Christmas wreath (DIY)